Urban Delineation DLR - WSF

derived data DLR on-demand urban delineation vector wsf xcube


This Urban Delineation algorithm delineates urban clusters using a method developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The algorithm based on this method is integrated here in the form of Docker developed in DLR. Integrated algorithm utilizes the latest version of the WSF population dataset at a resolution of 10 meters. This dataset is available for reference years 2016-2023. The WSF population dataset is provided by the German Aerospace Center and describes the spatial distribution of the human population. Presently, this dataset is accessible for Kenya. Datasets for Bolivia, Chile, and Myanmar will be incorporated once the necessary data becomes available. User-defined area of interest (City of interest) is defined from selection of 34 cities within all four countries where the population exceeded 200000 inhabitants in 2015 by GHS Functional Urban AreasTo run the DLR WSF Urban Delineation, navigate to EDC Browser, select the required input parameters and follow the check-out wizard to complete your order.

Additional info

Additional info


Geographical coverage

Kenya (Bolivia, Chile, Myanmar)

Temporal availability

2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Update Frequency


Attributes Information

City of interestCity in Kenya (Bolivia, Chile, Myanmar)string
Reference yearfrom 2016 to 2023int
Density Value for EdgesDensity Value for Edgesint, default=15
Density Value for PolygonsDensity Value for Polygonsint, default=20
Minimum SizeMinimum Size in sqm for settlements Polygonsint, default=500
Search DistanceSearch Distance for other Settlements in Surroudingint, default=500
ResolutionResolution for 2nd Iteration aggregationint, default=100
Minimum PopulationRemove all mask Polygons with less than this populationint, default=10000

Produced results

City_Country_WSFpopYear.shpShapefile containing delineated polygons representing Urban Clusters for the selected city in WGS84 coordinate reference system.


Prices per order is 100€. Check here for more info about pricing and restrictions.


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


Gisat s.r.o.

Managed By

Gisat s.r.o.

See all datasets managed by Gisat s.r.o..




  • store_id
    World Settlement Footprint (WSF population)
    WSF population

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