Luxembourg LPIS

Short Description

Luxembourg's Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) is managed by The Administration of Technical Agricultural Services (ASTA). The data is made available to the public on The Luxembourg Data Platform based on the Creative Commons 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. In addition, it is possible to query parcels’ information on the Geoportal under the 'Agriculture' theme.The plot-based parcel reference system (FLIK) in Luxembourg was digitally recorded for the first time in 2005 based on aerial photos. Since then, the system has been continuously revised via the latest aerial images.Onsite measurements using GPS are carried out for unclear boundaries cases as well an assessment of the parcels’ eligibility for payment.The FLIK parcels are categorized into eligible agricultural parcels, eligible vineyard parcels, ineligible parcels, and non-payable objects. The data has been uploaded to geoDB and is available from 2016 to 2021 annually with updates expected annually.

Coordinate Reference System

EPSG:2169 (Luxembourg 1930 / Gauss), more info Use the GDAL command below to convert the LPIS collection's CRS into CRS of your choice:
ogr2ogr [-s_srs srs_def] [-t_srs srs_def] [dstfile] [srcfile]
Example of converting from EPSG:2169 to EPSG:3857
ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:2169 -t_srs EPSG:3857 lpis_3857.shp lpis_2169.shp

Attribute Information

Name Type Description
FLIK String Parcel's record number.
CODE_ELEM String Category of the registered parcel.
CODE_COM String Name of the commune where the parcel lies.
CODE_SECT String The cadastral section where the parcel lies.
SURF_ELEM Float The area of the parcel.
SURFACE Float The area of the parcel.
PERIM_REEL Float The perimeter of the parcel.
PERIMETRE Float The perimeter of the parcel.
ENVIR String Environmentally sensitive grassland.

Description of parcels categories (CODE_ELEM)

CODE_ELEM Description
P Eligible agricultural parcel with the exception of vineyards
V Eligible vineyard parcel
D Ineligible parcel / non-agricultural areas
N Non-payable objects, e.g., electric mast, wind turbine

More Information


Online Resources

Geographic Location

geographic location Source: OpenStreetMap