JAXA's Public-health Monitor and Analysis Platform (JPMAP

Short description

It is concerning that environmental changes including temperature or precipitation changes accompanied by global warming can cause health hazards directly (heartstroke, circulatory disease or respiratory illness, etc.) or indirectly (malaria, cholera, polio, dengue or other infectious diseases). Such disease outbreaks cannot be predicted at an early stage and preventive measures cannot be taken, which is one reason why they can cause extensive damage. It has been pointed out that environmental changes associated with precipitation, temperature and topography are connected to the occurrence of health hazards. However, in developing countries, the surveillance system for such environmental information is inadequate. JAXA makes a great effort to advance research and development for early warning systems for infectious diseases using satellites' earth observations. This is in cooperation with research institutes including universities and international organizations.EORC developed a user-friendly web-based system, JAXA's (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Public-health Monitor and Analysis Platform (JPMAP), which distributes satellite-derived environmental information, such as rainfall, shortwave radiation, soil moisture, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), aerosol optical thickness (AOT), land surface temperature (LST), and altitude. The system was designed for users to download the data and utilize it without any additional data processing. Users can request data with a specific geographic location and time interactively via the website and then use the data for epidemiological analyses. EORC conducts research on the utilization of these satellite-derived environmental information for the mitigation of infectious diseases such as malaria or dengue fever through proactive prevention measures based on the result of epidemic risk analysis in collaboration with related agencies.

Product Information

Products Resolution
Rainfall (GSMaP (GPM, GCOM-W, Himawari etc.) 10km
Short Wave Radiation(MODIS), Land Surface Temperature(MODIS, GCOM-C SGLI) 5km
Aerosol Optical Thickness(MODIS, GCOM-C SGLI) 5km
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(MODIS, GCOM-C SGLI)E 5km
Soil Moisture Contents (AMSR-E/AMSR-2) 25km
Altitude(ALOS PRISM) 30m