Denmark LPIS

Short Description

Danish Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) data is managed by the Danish Agency for Agriculture an agency under the Ministry of Environment and Food. The data is made available for download on the agency’s website. Additionally, the metadata are made available and can be searched on geoportal, which is managed by the Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency. LPIS data is comprised of field block map which is a digital map with agricultural areas collected in field blocks covering the whole country. A block of land is a geographically coherent unit consisting of agricultural land which one or more farmers cultivate one or more different crops. The boundaries of the field blocks typically follow permanent boundaries in the landscape. The field block map only contains polygons created by the Danish Agency for Agriculture in connection with the management of the EU's common agricultural policy. The polygons for field blocks are manually created based on available orthophotos. The polygons are updated at least every three years. In some cases, the polygons are updated more frequently if inquiries are received from the farmer or the systematic field visits require it. Updating the field block theme can also be triggered by the changes in the eligibility conditions. It is updated either automatically after prior screening or manually by an internal operator. Other related services are updated daily and reflect the current situation. The field blocks data are used in the administration of cases related to the geographical location of arable land, primarily by EU area-based support schemes. The field block map contains approx. 450,000 field blocks, which cover approx. 2.8 million hectares of agricultural land. Each field block is identified by a field block number and contains attributes for geographical area, eligible and ineligible area and the orthophoto used during digitizing of the blocks.

Coordinate Reference System

EPSG:25832 (ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N) , more info Use the GDAL command below to convert the LPIS collection's CRS into CRS of your choice:
ogr2ogr [-s_srs srs_def] [-t_srs srs_def] [dstfile] [srcfile]
Example of converting from EPSG:25832 to EPSG:3857
ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:25832 -t_srs EPSG:3857 lpis_3857.shp lpis_25832.shp

Attribute Information

Table 1: Description of Attributes

Name Type Description
BLOKNR String The field block number.
BRUTTOAREA Double Total geographical area covered by the block in hectares.
TARAAREAL Double Total ineligible area in hectares available only for the datasets 2014-2020).
GB_AREAL Double The total eligible area for basic payment in hectares (available only for the datasets 2009-2018, except 2015)
BLOKTYPE String Land use type of the field block (available only for the datasets 2014-2020)
ORTOAAR String The orthophoto used to digitize the block (available only for the datasets 2014 & 2020)
MODSTORTO String Orthophoto (available only for the datasets 2014 & 2020)

Table 2: Description of block type categories (except 2014)

BLOCKTYPE Description
ING None
LDP Afforestation
MIX Mixed permanent grass and arable land
OMD Rotational crops
PAF Permanent crops
PGR Permanent grass
VKS Plants under greenhouse/ nurseries /potted plants

Table 3: Description of land use categories (only 2014 collection)

BLOCKTYPE Description
Alm. agerjord Arable land
Blandet agerjord og trækultur Mixed arable land and wood culture
Blandet perm. græs og agerjord Mixed permanent grass and arable land
Bæredygtig skov, SNS Sustainable forest, SNS
Drivhuse og planteskoler Greenhouses and nurseries
Frugttræer og -buske Fruit trees and shrubs
Intet nothing
Juletræer christmas Trees
Lavskov coppices
Lavskov m. etablering Low forest with establishment
Naturarealer Uncultivated
Perm. græs (natur) Permanent grass (nature)
Permanent græs Permanent grass
Permanente kulturer, andre Permanent crops, others
Skovrejsning fra 2008, SNS Afforestation from 2008, SNS
Skovrejsning før 2008, SNS Afforestation before 2008, SNS
Ukendt Unknown

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Geographic Location

geographic location Source: ESRI National Geographic